Notes from
Kimberley Rew's Soft Boys Scrapbook: From the Rock Garden, another baffling set list - starts in I don't know whose handwriting with three British folk rock numbers - The Gallant Poacher, Poor Will and the Jolly Hangman and Mr Lacey - then something illegible, then something crossed out, then Love Poisoning, the Asking Tree, then a medley of Bonde Mteko Stomp (Bonde Mteko was the name of a cottage I briefly rented outside Cambridge, where the band could rehearse), a medley of Horns (Horns Large Horns, an acapella piece from the Albion Country Band) [note: actually seems to be a traditional piece called So Selfish Runs the Hare - bc] a medley of something illegible and [Arabian] Takeaway, then Face of Death, then in Robyn's Handwriting Leppo, Pigworker, Sandra, the Asking Tree, Love Poisoning, a medley of Horns Large Horns and (African) Takeaway, [note - looks like Arabian Takeaway, as per ACoB liner notes -bc] the Rat's Prayer, (Do) the Chisel, School Dinner Blues, Wey Wey (Hep a Hole), Fatman('s Son), (Let Me Put It) Next to You. Does the second part replace the first part (without actually removing it from the list?)
From Morris W:
I have no specific recollection of individual Rock Garden gigs - we played there several times with Andy and Matthew - but the actual set list is clearly from Face of Death on...14 songs sounds about right. Don't remember doing Horns Large Horns/ Arabian Takeaway at all