Notes on some of the songs:
-Victorian Squid (<-my request! Preceeded by a statement about how repressed/hypocritical the US is. "We need more sex and less violence!")
-I Got A Message For You ("This is the song that I was conceived to. My mom and dad were playing it on the Victrola.")
-Wax Doll ("I haven't played this in years. From an album of mine that you can't get anywhere any longer. Perhaps that's a good thing...")
He turned down such requests as Ghost Ship, Clear Spot, Antwoman, 1974,Heliotrope, Charlotte Anne, Only The Stones, Flesh Cartoons and a few more saying things like "that's too long", "too depressing...I can't face doing that one right now" or "I can't hit the high notes."
An upbeat performance even though he was sweating a lot. His heart was racing from the altitiude most likely, plus he was swigging a coffee on top of that the whole time until someone finally gave him a bottle of water.
Afterwards, he signed autographs. I handed him a large, green cone that I 'borrowed' from US West ("That's a beautiful cone!") on which he drew a cartoon face with the word balloon "Yeah...thanks for th' comix!" (I gave him some Flaming Carrot comics to read on the road.)
Weenie BULLETIN: Robyn mentioned before playing Gene Hackman that the bonus track preceeding it on JFS is called... "MR. TONGS"
I asked if he'd be back in November and he said "I haven't even left yet."
A great intimate performance. Now, if I can get a tape...