Nothing was known about this until an Instagram Live started on Robyn's account a little before 10pm on Saturday night. There was Robyn, Kim, Morris and Lee rocking out on a small stage in an unknown venue. It seemed too late in the night to be from the UK, but the sign behind Morris said "Falmouth", so it had to be in MA and not Cornwall! Emma streamed about 20-25 minutes of the show, and at one point zoomed in on the setlist at Robyn's feet which is where the above image came from. At the end of one of the songs Robyn said thanks to "Eugene" for having them. From this I assume that the show was for Eugene Mirman who turned 50 on July 24th, so maybe a birthday party? The Facebook page for Grumpy's in Falmouth MA indicates that they were shut for a private event on August 3rd. What a delight to see the 'Soft Boys - Mark IV' in the USA. We can only hope for more appearances this side of the Atlantic.
Marcus S