Penelope's Angles Releases Gigs Lyrics


Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 2 times, most recently at World Café Live on November 15, 2004. He first performed it at Maxwell's on January 09, 2004, 10 months earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Luxor Robyn Hitchcock Editions PAF! Album 2003
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Maxwell's Robyn Hitchcock Hoboken New Jersey US 01/09/2004
World Café Live Robyn Hitchcock Philadelphia Pennsylvania US 11/15/2004


Penelope’s angles
She dangles before you as ripe as a peach
To reach for
She’s got a thing about yams
She’s got a thing about yams

I am not a yam
I am not a yam

Penelope’s angles
She dangles before you as ripe as a peach
To reach for
I was born as a woman but feel it could go either way

And all that you need is around you
All that you need is around you
All that you need is around you
All that you need is around you

I am not a yam
I am not a yam
I am not a yam
I am not a yam
I am not a yam
Not yet

Penelope’s angles
She dangles before you as ripe as a peach
To reach for