Some thoughts (no set list) on last night at Queen Elizabeth Hall
The support act, Whistler, were outstanding and highly talented. All their songs sounded original and fresh and too artistic to be considered pop. A kind of more sophisticated Cranberries meets Nick Drake. Impressive.
Just before Robyn's set, someone dressed totally scarlet sat next to me with dyed red hair. "So how long have you been Robynning ? I asked politely. It turned out she was a Dear Jane and she had played with Robyn all over America!!! We commiserated about last Novembers Jazz Cafe gig in London where the DJ's had an unhappy time supporting Robyn. "Our worst ever", she admitted. "We are better than that". I asked when they were next playing and was told they were busy writing new songs and negotiating contracts. Asked if I had ever met Robyn, "No", I replied "But I'd make a good hanger-on". "He's a darling", came the reply " I'll introduce you"...
As Robyn opened up, the venue seemed to make him nervous and slightly on edge. I didn't take notes but he opened with four or five rare songs or covers I couldn't recognise. For me, the highlights of the set were guildford, I feel beautiful, nasa clapping, lost madonna, queen of eyes and insanely jealous. One of Robyn's two encores included a Joan Baez cover with Tim helpfully holding up the lyrics in one hand with a searchlight in the other. I thought it was very apt for Robyn to sing 'I feel beautiful' including that line about 'festival pier' at a venue just 50 yards from the festival pier.