SPACE Notes Gigs


1245 Chicago Avenue
Evanston, Illinois

Robyn has played this venue 5 times.


Info from Wikipedia
Evanston S.P.A.C.E. (or Evanston SPACE) is a small concert hall and venue for music performance and live recording, and a podcast production facility, as well as serves similarly for the visual arts and literary events located at 1245 Chicago Avenue in Evanston, Illinois, adjacent to Chicago.
The listening room fits about 250 guests and shows often offer a mix of reserved tables, general admission seating and standing room tickets.
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
SPACE Robyn Hitchcock Evanston Illinois US 03/06/2010
SPACE Robyn Hitchcock Evanston Illinois US 10/14/2012
SPACE Robyn Hitchcock Evanston Illinois US 02/22/2015
SPACE Robyn Hitchcock Evanston Illinois US 04/03/2019
SPACE Robyn Hitchcock Evanston Illinois US 03/29/2023