
Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 10 times, most recently at Beachland Ballroom on November 08, 2004. He first performed it at Morton Theatre on October 09, 2003, 1 year and 1 month earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Luxor Robyn Hitchcock Editions PAF! Album 2003
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Morton Theatre Athens 411 Athens Georgia US 10/09/2003
KEXP Robyn Hitchcock Seattle Washington US 11/14/2003
Crocodile Café Robyn Hitchcock Seattle Washington US 11/15/2003
Largo Robyn Hitchcock Los Angeles California US 11/22/2003
Bluebird Café Robyn Hitchcock Nashville Tennessee US 01/13/2004
SXSW Tradeshow Robyn Hitchcock Austin Texas US 03/19/2004
Rockstars Robyn Hitchcock Austin Texas US 03/20/2004
Yard Dog Gallery Robyn Hitchcock Austin Texas US 03/20/2004
Polish Club Robyn Hitchcock Sheffield England UK 10/05/2004
Beachland Ballroom Robyn Hitchcock Cleveland Ohio US 11/08/2004


There’s been so many souls
There’s been so many people
They’ve been practising
It’s a vulnerable feeling that you might as well
Be on a plane

Beside you by my side
The cat was on the table to infinity
I love you in my life to be so tenderly inside of me
And death is all around us like a swarm of bees
Or maybe flies
They crash before our very eyes

One L
Michèle Michèle,
Michèle Michèle Michèle, Mi
Michèle Michèle
Michèle Michèle Michèle, Mi

I love you in real life
And not just in this song that’s coming out of me
You fall around me in a perfect harmony
So meant to be
I bought a bag of cherries for you suddenly

One L
Michèle Michèle,
Michèle Michèle Michèle, Mi
Michèle Michèle
Michèle Michèle Michèle, Mi

There’s been so many souls
There’s been so many creatures
They’ve been practicing
You come back as a butterfly and land on me
So carefully
I know I’ve seen you somewhere in eternity
Or paradise
A flower growing in the ice

One L
Michèle Michèle,
Michèle Michèle Michèle, Mi
Michèle Michèle
Michèle Michèle Michèle, Mi