Narcissus Releases Gigs Lyrics


Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 20 times, most recently at Fleece and Firkin on January 26, 2003. He first performed it at The Evershot Village Hall on September 15, 2001, 1 year and 4 months earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Side Three The Soft Boys Editions PAF! Album 2002
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
The Evershot Village Hall The Soft Boys Evershot England UK 09/15/2001
The Square The Soft Boys Harlow England UK 10/18/2001
Railway Inn The Soft Boys Winchester England UK 10/16/2002
Mean Fiddler The Soft Boys London England UK 10/17/2002
BBC Radio 3 - Andy Kershaw The Soft Boys London England UK 10/18/2002
Variety Playhouse The Soft Boys Atlanta Georgia US 10/21/2002
40 Watt Club The Soft Boys Athens Georgia US 10/22/2002
WFMU The Soft Boys Jersey City New Jersey US 10/25/2002
Maxwell's The Soft Boys Hoboken New Jersey US 10/25/2002
The Bowery Ballroom The Soft Boys New York New York US 10/26/2002
Mercury Lounge The Soft Boys New York New York US 10/27/2002
The Double Door The Soft Boys Chicago Illinois US 10/28/2002
First Avenue The Soft Boys Minneapolis Minnesota US 10/29/2002
KEXP Variety Mix w/Stevie Zoom The Soft Boys Seattle Washington US 10/31/2002
Slim's The Soft Boys San Francisco California US 11/02/2002
KCRW Morning Becomes Eclectic The Soft Boys Santa Monica California US 11/04/2002
House of Blues The Soft Boys West Hollywood California US 11/04/2002
Largo The Soft Boys Los Angeles California US 11/05/2002
La Scuderia The Soft Boys Bologna Italy 01/15/2003
Fleece and Firkin The Soft Boys Bristol England UK 01/26/2003


Narcissus is a long boy...

I never set foot in the real world
Never talked to a real girl
Don't pick flowers for real girls,
Don't pick flowers for real women too

Never seen a dead body
Bodies all look alive to me
When they're made out of stone
And they're standing alone, in the sea

Narcissus is a long boy
Hum-a-day, hum-a-day, hum-a-day 

And when I tell you I love you
It means I love what you do to me
And to my imagination
At the real heart of me

Narcissus is a long boy
Hum-a-day, hum-a-day, hum-a-day

In the mirror you're always there
Strong and elegant in the air
In your element, in the air
Like an elephant hanging there for you
To come through

Narcissus is a long boy

Drinking wine
Drinking wine in a pub in Holland Park till it gets dark and then where do you go?
Drinking wine in a pub in Holland Park till it gets dark and then, what do you know?
Drinking wine white wine by yourself
Till you get there and then
Where do you go? Oh

Narcissus is a long boy yeah
Long boy, yeah
Narcissus is a long boy yeah