
James A. Smith
Original Band
The Containers
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 3 times, most recently at Robyn and Emma's house on December 21, 2022. He first performed it at The 80's on September 05, 1980, 42 years and 3 months earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Underwater Moonlight The Soft Boys Armageddon Records Album 1980
Zip Zip Maureen and the Meatpackers Armageddon Records Promo 1980
Music View Show #1 & #2 Various New Programs Promo 1987
Maxwell's, New York, 1980 The Soft Boys Handmade Productions Bootleg 1998
12 x 7: All the Soft Boys Certify Insane The Soft Boys Bootleg 2008
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
The 80's The Soft Boys New York New York US 09/05/1980
Maxwell's The Soft Boys Hoboken New Jersey US 09/06/1980
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 12/21/2022


Many thanks to James A. Smith for the following information:

Glad to oblige. The song was written by me, and originally recorded by my band of 1978-80, the Containers, at Spaceward Studios. The lineup was Myself on Guitar and vocals, Adrian Foster bass,(Also bass player with Cambridge pub/party favourites 'The Ducks On The Wall Gang' named after a strip cartoon I once drew), Stella Barker on rhythm guitar (she later played with The Bodysnatchers, a ska band, and The Belle Starrs, who had several hits in the early eighties), with Robyn on lead guitar for a couple of numbers (not Zip Zip) and Morris Windsor on drums.

The version you may have heard was recorded at Alaska Studios, Waterloo, London SE1 as part of the Underwater Moonlight sessions, or shortly afterwards. The Soft Boys had played Zip Zip as an encore a couple of times in the States - I think there is a bootleg from a show in NJ - must have been 1980? The Alaska version was the Soft Boys, with Rosalind Kunath and probably Anstis Fisher on vocals with Robyn.