Withered and Died Releases Gigs


Richard Thompson
Original Band
Richard and Linda Thompson
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 4 times, most recently at Trax on May 02, 1992. He first performed it at The Catalyst on April 14, 1988, 4 years earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Live Death Robyn Hitchcock A&M Records Promo 1992
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
The Catalyst Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Santa Cruz California US 04/14/1988
Max's on Broadway Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Baltimore Maryland US 01/01/1991
McCabe's Robyn Hitchcock Santa Monica California US 05/05/1991
Trax Robyn Hitchcock Charlottesville Virginia US 05/02/1992