
Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 38 times, most recently at Robyn and Emma's house on August 24, 2022. He first performed it at Ronnie Scott's on May 10, 1987, 35 years and 3 months earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Invisible Hitchcock Robyn Hitchcock Glass Fish Records Album 1986
I Wanna Go Backwards Robyn Hitchcock Yep Roc Records Album 2007
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Ronnie Scott's Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 05/10/1987
Maxwell's Robyn Hitchcock Hoboken New Jersey US 07/13/1987
Club Lingerie Robyn Hitchcock Los Angeles California US 07/17/1987
McCabe's Robyn Hitchcock Santa Monica California US 07/18/1987
McCabe's Robyn Hitchcock Santa Monica California US 07/18/1987
Ronnie Scott's Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 10/25/1987
Band on the Wall Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Manchester England UK 02/09/1988
Zap Club Robyn Hitchcock Brighton England UK 02/16/1988
Hackney Empire Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians London England UK 02/17/1988
Grove Arts Centre Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Dorchester England UK 02/19/1988
Rialto Theatre Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Raleigh North Carolina US 03/27/1988
Pier 84 Robyn Hitchcock New York New York US 07/22/1988
Great American Music Hall Robyn Hitchcock San Francisco California US 07/28/1988
McCabe's Robyn Hitchcock Santa Monica California US 07/29/1988
McCabe's Robyn Hitchcock Santa Monica California US 07/30/1988
Paradise Lounge Robyn Hitchcock San Francisco California US 08/02/1988
Tate Center - Georgia Hall Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Athens Georgia US 06/08/1989
Centre Stage Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Atlanta Georgia US 06/09/1989
1313 Club Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Charlotte North Carolina US 06/10/1989
Blue Wall (UMass) Robyn Hitchcock Amherst Massachusetts US 09/23/1989
Slim's Robyn Hitchcock San Francisco California US 10/05/1989
Cat's Cradle (Chapel Hill NC) Robyn Hitchcock Carrboro North Carolina US 04/27/1990
Einstein a-Go-Go Robyn Hitchcock Jacksonville Beach Florida US 05/06/1990
Blind Pig Robyn Hitchcock Ann Arbor Michigan US 05/19/1990
New George's Robyn Hitchcock San Rafael California US 07/07/1990
Trax Robyn Hitchcock Charlottesville Virginia US 05/02/1992
Max's on Broadway Robyn Hitchcock Baltimore Maryland US 05/07/1992
Park West Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Chicago Illinois US 06/17/1992
After The Gold Rush Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians Tempe Arizona US 07/07/1992
Great American Music Hall Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians San Francisco California US 07/15/1992
Big Star Records Robyn Hitchcock Adelaide South Australia Australia 11/01/1993
12 Bar Club Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 01/12/1996
Knitting Factory Robyn Hitchcock New York New York US 03/15/1997
The Attic Robyn Hitchcock Edinburgh Scotland UK 08/26/2000
Largo Robyn Hitchcock Los Angeles California US 03/08/2005
Lions Lair Robyn Hitchcock Denver Colorado US 04/05/2005
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 08/25/2021
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 08/24/2022


So you're photographed with Charlie Watts
It doesn't mean to say you're not
Just a loser

And you wish you could be Brian Jones
But now he's just a heap of bones
That's one better than you, you're a loser

And you photograph with Iggy, too
Cause you think it might rub off on you
Forget it, you're a loser

You're just trash
You're just trash
You're just trash
And you're a loser

And last time you were down the Hope
I saw you hustling for a piece of dope
God you're embarrassing sometimes

You're just trash
You're just trash
You're just trash
And you're a loser

So if we should meet up some time
Don't act like you're a friend of mine
Put your arm round me
I don't want to be
A loser

So you're photographed with Charlie Watts

And I saw you down at MTV/NBC        14a
Well, baby, better you than me       15a
Maybe they've got a special department there  16a
For losers  16.1a