Hickory Wind Gigs Lyrics


Gram Parsons, Bob Buchanan
Original Band
The Byrds
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 9 times, most recently at Robyn & Emma's house on December 04, 2024. He first performed it at Santa's Pub on September 15, 2013, 11 years and 2 months earlier.
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Santa's Pub Santa's Ice Cold Pickers Nashville Tennessee US 09/15/2013
The Drake Hotel Robyn Hitchcock & The Sadies Toronto Ontario Canada 09/13/2015
Golden Gate Park Robyn Hitchcock & The Sadies San Francisco California US 10/04/2015
The Horseshoe Tavern Robyn Hitchcock Toronto Ontario Canada 12/31/2015
The House of Machines Robyn Hitchcock Cape Town South Africa 02/13/2016
Cafe Nine Robyn Hitchcock New Haven Connecticut US 03/25/2016
Monarch Tavern Robyn Hitchcock Toronto Ontario Canada 06/24/2019
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 11/03/2021
Robyn & Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift Nashville Tennessee US 12/04/2024