The Great Crustaceans Gigs Lyrics Comments


Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 2 times, most recently at Robyn and Emma's house on August 06, 2021. He first performed it at Robyn and Emma's house on August 04, 2021.
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 08/04/2021
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 08/06/2021


Robyn Hitchcock Says: (source: A Can Of Bees reissue liner notes) I have included what details I can remember of the 'missing' second SB's album. This is not the 'legendary' Radar album ('legendary' only because it was too bad to release) but a series of songs recorded between 'A Can Of Bees' and 'Invisible Hits' that for various reasons never came out, tracks as follows: ... THE GREAT CRUSTACEANS -- There was a great mix of this, with tremolo tom-toms and Kimberley on Jew's Harp, but it vanished. It would have been a smash -- loping bass and savagely phased harmonies.

The lyrics are based on the giant killer crab novels by Guy N Smith and transcribed from the live performances in August 2021


The great crustaceans don't hang around
Don't hang on land much
Don't hold their hand, they're not a soft touch

The great crustaceans
They want to make it with the daughters of the tribe
They sit in rock pools and then wriggle with the tide

My, my, see the mutilations
They've all been wrought by the great crustaceans
Ooo-wee, look at your relations
They've all been chewed by the great crustaceans
Oh yeah

One man opposed them, his name was Clifford
And it was a hero's name
And everywhere he put those ruddy crabs to shame
And they dismembered this guy Bartholomew one night beneath the moon
While Cliff and Pat were out there screwing on the dunes

My, my, see the mutilations
They've all been wrought by the great crustaceans
Ooo-wee, look at your relations
They've all been chewed by the great crustaceans
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh yeah