Dr. (Willie) Messerschmidt is the man who created Lufwaffe Messerschmidt, the successor to the German Fokker warplane dynasty in the late 1920s. His plant built the entire first two waves (of five models) of German fighter planes for Adolph Hitler after his rise to power in 1933. All of these planes, as well as a few made by Ernst Porsche (yes, he of hot red sports car and VW Beetle fame) and the few remains of the Fokker airplane factories, with a bunch of new ones, composed the Luftwaffe, Hitler's rather formidable air force that served him very well for ten years before the Allies started Bosche-bashing in 1943. His most successful plane was the Messerschmidt ME-109 (hence: "just 109's 'em" meaning, presumably, to shoot something down, literally or figuratively).