The Icy Path to Sugar Intentions Releases Lyrics Comments


Robyn Hitchcock
Title Artist Label Type Year
Patreon 2023 Robyn Hitchcock Internet 2023


From Robyn on Patreon in 2023
Sometimes you just feel really vulnerable, and that’s all there is to it. I’d love to hear this song recorded by Prince, though that seems unlikely these days. There are points when you can view your life with icy clarity, and what you see isn’t always comforting. So to be connected with another soul that’s also housed in a warm living body is beyond a joy: its salvation of a kind. As when the jolly alien lands on a pontoon in Lake Michigan and declaims: “You are not alone” before handing out the root beer and pretzels. And we are 8 billion separated souls, crying out to each other. In the Pit of Souls, in the primal spirit broth, perhaps we will be reconciled to each other - but that’s another story. For now, we must dwell in the vertigo of solitude.

This is a love song, really…

Guitars and voices by RH, recorded by Tubby Vincent at Studio C
Mixed by Charlie Francis at Stwdio Penty.


Help me on my icy way
I feel the grip now, I can't stay
I love you more than I can say
I should've said it yesterday

Help me cross this icy pond
I'm skating on the Great Beyond
You make the track, please be my blonde
I should've told you where I've gone
I should've told you...

Help me through this icy sky
I'm pressurized, so I must fly
Hold my hand while I'm still I
I say 'hello' with each goodbye

I should've told you 'bout The Word
The Word is LOVE, or so I've heard

Help me through this icy life
The frosted crust, the frozen strife
I'm grateful you could be my wife
I'm very grateful that you're my wife
I'm very grateful...

Sugar intentions
Sugar intentions
Sugar intentions