That's How I Became a Demon Releases Gigs Comments


Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 2 times, most recently at Robyn and Emma's house on December 28, 2022. He first performed it at Robyn and Emma's house on December 21, 2022.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Patreon 2022 Robyn Hitchcock Internet 2022
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 12/21/2022
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 12/28/2022


From Robyn on Patreon in 2022
The soul is in flux, in a constant state of evolution. The soul is in motion, changes shape with every mood and at the end of your life prints itself out for you as you leave your body. Perhaps. My soul feels like a furious eel, squirming through this life in search of something that isn’t there. I leave hundreds of songs, drawings and thoughts as a by-product. Sometimes it seems like you’re here to resolve the puzzle of your parents’ existence: what were they here for? You?

This song could be on my ever-evolving Country Music album, and should be listened to in a Stetson hat.

Guitars and vocals recorded by Tubby Vincent at Studio C.

Mixed by Charlie Francis at Stwdio Penty.