Daisy Bomb Releases Gigs Lyrics


Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 30 times, most recently at Unknown Hotel on October 08, 2024. He first performed it at Bluebird Café on February 22, 1997, 27 years and 7 months earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
A Star For Bram Robyn Hitchcock Editions PAF! Album 2000
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Bluebird Café Robyn Hitchcock Nashville Tennessee US 02/22/1997
WUTK Robyn Hitchcock Knoxville Tennessee US 02/23/1997
The Point Robyn Hitchcock Atlanta Georgia US 02/25/1997
Cat's Cradle Robyn Hitchcock Carrboro North Carolina US 03/03/1997
8 X 10 Club Robyn Hitchcock Baltimore Maryland US 03/05/1997
Milestones Robyn Hitchcock Rochester New York US 03/07/1997
Park West Robyn Hitchcock Clifton Park New York US 03/08/1997
Knitting Factory Robyn Hitchcock New York New York US 03/12/1997
Knitting Factory Robyn Hitchcock New York New York US 03/15/1997
Santa Fe Robyn Hitchcock Tivoli New York US 03/18/1997
Iron Horse Robyn Hitchcock Northampton Massachusetts US 03/19/1997
Raoul's Robyn Hitchcock Portland Maine US 03/20/1997
TT the Bear's Robyn Hitchcock Cambridge Massachusetts US 03/21/1997
Cedar Cultural Center Robyn Hitchcock Minneapolis Minnesota US 05/24/1997
12 Bar Club Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 07/16/1997
12 Bar Club Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 07/30/1997
Jazz Cafe Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 11/20/1997
Largo Robyn Hitchcock Los Angeles California US 02/26/2000
The Attic Robyn Hitchcock Edinburgh Scotland UK 08/26/2000
Maxwell's Grant Lee Hitchcock Hoboken New Jersey US 10/18/2000
Largo Robyn Hitchcock Los Angeles California US 03/10/2005
Maxwell's Robyn Hitchcock Hoboken New Jersey US 03/26/2005
Schuba's Robyn Hitchcock Chicago Illinois US 03/31/2005
The Grand Ballroom Robyn Hitchcock New York New York US 04/09/2008
Black Lion Inn Robyn Hitchcock Hereford England UK 05/31/2008
Robyn & Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift Nashville Tennessee US 07/15/2020
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 07/07/2021
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift London England UK 08/29/2021
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 01/26/2022
Unknown Hotel Robyn Hitchcock Portland Oregon US 10/08/2024


Sometimes a bomb is not enough
To express the way I feel
And an explosion in the dark
Won't let you down

Sometimes a kiss is not enough
You just have to make it two
Kissing I love you inside out and upside down
Darling I love you inside out
And upside down

I love you
Like a bomb
In my heart

Sometimes a kiss goes on so long
And it just won't let you go
Darling I love you inside out
And upside down

I love you
Like a bomb
In my heart

Daisy bomb
Daisy bomb
Daisy bomb