Granny Hobsbawm Gigs Comments


Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 7 times, most recently at Robyn and Emma's house on October 23, 2020. He first performed it at Robyn and Emma's house on September 23, 2020.
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift London England UK 09/23/2020
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift London England UK 09/25/2020
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift London England UK 09/30/2020
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift London England UK 10/02/2020
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift London England UK 10/16/2020
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift London England UK 10/21/2020
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock & Emma Swift London England UK 10/23/2020


This is a story written by Robyn and read as part of the online 'Sweet Home Quarantine' shows. There were 4 parts read aloud over the course of a few weeks.