Creatures of Light Releases Lyrics Comments


Robyn Hitchcock
Title Artist Label Type Year
Creatures Of Light Robyn Hitchcock Ptolemaic Terrascope Album 1995


The song envisions a red cow; the Soft Boys played several gigs at the Red Cow in 1977 and 1978.


The nearer we get to being
Creatures of light
The clearer we get to seeing

The nearer we get to being
Creatures of light
The nearer we get to seeing
Creatures of light

And the red cow said to sing
From so long down
She drowned
And floated up to me

With you as a bonus
As her horn grew clear here
In the murky fens

The closer we get to feeling
Creatures of light
That crumble beneath the ceiling
Creatures of light

And the pagan recipes
Work so well then
You've gotta turn the page
Take the stage

And the seconds pass you
As your stomach shudders in the sun
O, Captain Morrison
Where is the pigment that you promised along with your life

(instrumental break)

The nearer we get to playing
Creatures of light
The clearer we get to staying
Creatures of light

And the grass grows under us
The breathing swarming pool
We're full of it, full of it, full of it
Full of it and Captain Morrison