Brenda Bad Vibes Releases Gigs Comments


Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 3 times, most recently at Brewery Arts Center on January 25, 2020. He first performed it at Columbus Theatre on November 17, 2018, 1 year and 2 months earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Patreon 2020 Robyn Hitchcock Internet 2020
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Columbus Theatre Robyn Hitchcock Providence Rhode Island US 11/17/2018
Hạ Long Bay Robyn Hitchcock Hạ Long Vietnam 12/02/2018
Brewery Arts Center Robyn Hitchcock Kendal England UK 01/25/2020


Notes from Robyn on Patreon in 2020.

Songs often appear in my head like commercials or public safety announcements: they’re posted by my subconscious into my mouth and...I sing them. Brenda herself is no stranger to me - she can appear anywhere, any time at the snap of a dismal finger and a grim thumb. She manifested in this song around 2017 as the mood in Britain and the US darkened still further from the sombre anxiety that had gripped our guts the year before.