Fear Is A Man's Best Friend Gigs


John Cale
Original Band
John Cale
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 7 times, most recently at Private House on March 10, 2022. He first performed it at Grand Kjelleren on July 01, 2010, 11 years and 8 months earlier.
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Grand Kjelleren Robyn Hitchcock & Steve Wynn Egersund Norway 07/01/2010
Telegrafen Steve Wynn Egersund Norway 07/02/2010
St. Pancras Old Church Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 12/01/2013
Ponte Vedra Concert Hall Robyn Hitchcock Ponte Vedra Beach Florida US 01/25/2014
King Georg Robyn Hitchcock Cologne Germany 03/29/2014
Robyn and Emma's house Robyn Hitchcock London England UK 03/07/2021
Private House Robyn Hitchcock Sydney New South Wales Australia 03/10/2022