Wang Dang Doodle Releases Gigs Comments


Willie Dixon
Original Band
Howlin' Wolf
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 2 times, most recently at Vingt Et Un: Tokyo Bay Cruise on October 10, 2006. He first performed it at Dingwalls on November 11, 2001, 4 years and 10 months earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Trolleybusplayer Robyn Hitchcock and friends Internet 2010
Patreon 2024 Robyn Hitchcock Internet 2024
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Dingwalls 'Positively Barking' featuring the Four Croakers London England UK 11/11/2001
Vingt Et Un: Tokyo Bay Cruise Robyn Hitchcock & the Venus 3 Tokyo Japan 10/10/2006


By Robyn on Patreon in 2024

“I have no idea where I am, or what time it is. It’s dark, for sure, but there are many lights on. I mean, I’ve been doing this for years, you know? You have to believe me. Well, you don’t have to do anything but - a little faith always helps. Yes, I am a journeyman lizard, wending my way back to forgotten times: people and things were animated then, sprawling across the floor as if they were in a song. What’s that you say? They still are? Woah, the heavenly brides smashing into the ankles of unmarked graves, trip-trotting around the floor like god wasn’t clumsy; what’s that? Of course god was clumsy, or he wouldn’t have left his boy out in the rain to become a water-demon. But they do make the best dancers - liquid, agile, a trail of poses unfrozen into one continuous motion. Yes, like handwriting - is that what you said? The cavorting hieroglyphics on the horizon; nothing between here and the stars except more stars…”

This session comprised a flickering cast of musicians including Bill Rieflin on drums, Charlie Francis on piano, Scott McCaughey on bass and myself on harmonica and guitar. Wang Dang Doodle is descended from a song by Willie Dixon, via Howlin’ Wolf and Captain Beefheart. Recorded somewhere in the past.

“…and there were candles - candles like they were going out of style. Smoke everywhere that froze and fell out of the air in clunking chunks. A big rabbit, maybe two metres wide, sat in the corner selling oxygen. And everybody knew best, you know? That’s what I remember about those times: everybody was right, and nobody was wrong. You could buy fresh air from that rabbit and step right outside to smoke it. Man, that’s a lovely swimming pool you’ve got, right there. Hey, is that a wheel or are you just pleased to see me?”