I Fall Into Your Eyes Releases Comments


Robyn Hitchcock
Title Artist Label Type Year
Obliteration Pie Robyn Hitchcock Oak Tree Records Album 2005
Patreon 2021 Robyn Hitchcock Internet 2021


Notes from Robyn on Patreon in 2021

These songs were recorded in Tucson, Arizona around 2003 at Wavelab Studios. Winston Watson played drums. I wrote ‘Your Immortal Soul’ in a 6th floor apartment in Paris, and ‘I Fall Into Your Eyes’ was composed on the spot at Wavelab. Winston is an empathic, intuitive drummer and he pulls the music out of you, as if you were a washing machine; for three years he played in Bob Dylan’s band, which he survived, it seems. These sessions were engineered by Nic Luca, recorded onto 16-track tape which may or may not be still under a friend’s bed in Los Feliz, California. This pretty much marks the end of my taping career: within a few years all my recordings had migrated from tape to disc to cloud, where my recent sessions dwell - up in the æther.