No Way Out of Time Releases Gigs Lyrics


Robyn Hitchcock
According to our records, Robyn has played this song 4 times, most recently at Piazza Vittorio Veneto on July 30, 2007. He first performed it at Largo on March 09, 2005, 2 years and 4 months earlier.
Title Artist Label Type Year
Spooked Robyn Hitchcock Yep Roc Records Album 2004
Venue Billed As City State Country Date
Largo Robyn Hitchcock Los Angeles California US 03/09/2005
Largo - Extra TV Robyn Hitchcock Los Angeles California US 03/09/2005
VPRO Robyn Hitchcock Netherlands 04/22/2005
Piazza Vittorio Veneto Robyn Hitchcock Modigliana Italy 07/30/2007


I saw a man and he had no head
The day you stop is the day you're dead
I keep going

I saw a woman who has no face
"Oh, I've got used to it now" she says
In the limelight and the lime(?)
And there's no way out of time

I kissed your face in the evening air
I kissed your face and I wasn't there
But the feeling was sublime

I saw you once from a long way off
And it was you I was thinking of
I'm thinking all the time
But there's no way out of time

Now you and me are the best of friends
Until we're not and the story ends
It's a story not a crime

A genius muttered through the hair
You feel this way because you are here
If you're somewhere else that's fine
And the carbon angels chime
That there's no way out of time