!Viva Sea-Tac II! tape tree

Hi, everyone.  This is an announcement for the Sea-Tac II tape tree. The
show fits on a 60M DAT or 90minute analog tape. This is the unedited Sea-Tac
II taped on DAT.  The set list follows-
gene hackman / i'm only you / clean steve / madonna of the wasps / superkeen
(keegan) / queen elvis / boeing spacearium (mccaughey/buck) / jewels for
sophia / chinese bones / beautiful queen / tell me mama (dylan) / elizabeth
jade / queen of eyes / ring them bones / viva sea-tac / birdshead / give it
to the soft boys / what goes on (reed)
Here's an example of how the tree structure is set up--
Person 1 
----person 2
        ----person 3
        ----person 4
----person 5
----person 6
Person 1 will be making tapes for person 2, 5, and 6. 
Person 2 will be making a tape for person 3 and 4.
(If it isn't clear to anyone, or you can't figure out who your branch is,
contact me, and I will clarify it for you.)
Arrange a trade, or trade for blanks. If you are sending a blank, make sure
you send your branch postage to cover the return of the blank. Also make
sure you discuss the specifics of the trade - send tapes with cases or
without, use noise reduction (usually not), etc.
If you and your branch disagree on anything, please try to work it out. If
you can't work it out, try to get on another branch. Or contact someone who
is willing to make copies for people (see the list at the bottom of the tree
structure). If all else fails, let me know.
Thank you to everyone who offered to be a branch. Most people volunteered to
make from 5-10 copies! 
Anyone who wants a copy of the show, but hasn't signed up yet, please check
the bottom of the list for who to contact to get a copy. 
Onward to the tree structure!
DAT Branches
branch 1
Bayard Catron <walden@universe.digex.net>
----Stefan Cooke (scooke@fas.harvard.edu)
branch 2
Chris Wallace (cwallace@gwi.net)
----Michael Brage (mbrage@surgery.bsd.uchicago.edu)
----Jonathan Turner  (jturner@rpms.ac.uk)
----John Partridge  (jpartrid@pacbell.net)
----Thomas Narten  (narten@raleigh.ibm.com)
Analog branches 
branch 1
Michael Brage (mbrage@surgery.bsd.uchicago.edu)
----woj	(woj@remus.rutgers.edu)
        ----Terry Linnig (Terry_Linnig@hccompare.com)
        ---- Hal Brandt  (hbrandt@milehigh.net)
----Michael Hooker <triumph1@idt.net>
        ----shane brashear (brasheas@coral.indstate.edu)
        ----Ner  (headfx@ix.netcom.com)
----Gary Parker (parkergv@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu)
        ----Tim Cooper (CooperTJ@aol.com) or  (cooper1@home.com)
        ----Zelda Pinwheel (chichi@io.com)
----Jeff Rosedale <rosedale@columbia.edu>
branch 2
John Partridge  (jpartrid@pacbell.net)
----Jim Francis  (spine@iastate.edu)
        ----Marshall Armintor  (mojo@rice.edu)
----Ben Nicastro  (nicastr@mail.idt.net)
        ----Griffith Davies (hbrtv219@csun1.csun.edu)
        ----Wanda Chu  (wand@interlog.com)
----Jon Kanis (jkanis@rocketmail.com)
        ----Drew Whittemore <KMEandDRW@classic.msn.com>
        ----Ken Sabatini (ksabatin@uga.cc.uga.edu)
branch 3
Stefan Cooke (scooke@fas.harvard.edu)
----Steve Schiavo (schiavo@airmail.net)
        ----David Librik (librik@jaka.ece.uiuc.edu)
        ----Leonard (didier.leonard@lmch.dmx.epfl.ch)
----eddie tews <etews@hotmail.com>
        ----John Craig (HLN1JC@aol.com)
        ----Keith Clyne (keith_clyne@ccm.ch.intel.com)
----Bradley Wood  (bradley372@aol.com)
        ----Brad Hutchinson (basil@naxs.com)
        ----Mark Ponder (meponder@bosco.meis.uab.edu)
----Matthew Valenta (mjvalent@hep.uchicago.edu)
branch 4 -UK BRANCH
Jonathan Turner  (jturner@rpms.ac.uk) 
----Norman Parker  (PARKERNW@WCG.CO.UK)
----David Jones (david@mastmoor.demon.co.uk)
Minidisc Branch
Nick Winkworth <nick.winkworth@hds.com>
----Tony Blackman <tony.blackman@dial.pipex.com>
----Gregory S. Shell <gshell@metronet.com>
----Jason Thornton <jthornton@ucsd.edu>
If anyone missed the sign up, and would like a copy, contact one of the
following people who have generously volunteered to be analog branches. Some
of these people are already doing a few copies, so be patient, and if one
person can't help you, try someone else.
Michael Hooker <triumph1@idt.net>
Jim Francis  (spine@iastate.edu)
Zelda Pinwheel (chichi@io.com)
eddie tews <etews@hotmail.com>
Jeff Rosedale <rosedale@columbia.edu>
Tim Cooper (CooperTJ@aol.com) or  (cooper1@home.com)
woj (woj@remus.rutgers.edu)
Marshall Armintor  (mojo@rice.edu)
Matthew Valenta (mjvalent@hep.uchicago.edu)
UK - 
Norman Parker  (PARKERNW@WCG.CO.UK)
If anyone needs a copy on DAT, get in touch with me. Thanks go out to the
person, who wishes to remain anonymous, who donated the seed tape. 